PSA: Public Slobacy Announcement

Everytime I update this legacy, an angel gets it’s wings!

Unfortunately, there have been a lot of wingless angels lately.

The Collins have been silent for 8 long months, and I apologize for that.  Due to strange home situations, graduating college, and various other life events, it’s been hard to get back to my sims 2 files.  Add on the fact that the first three generations were wiped off the face of the internet when the Sims 2 site closed down.  But no one panic!  Updates may soon start again, I estimate around mid-late spring, and as for the first chapters, I will start posting them here in the meanwhile.  Another shout out to BigLenny over at Boolprop saved those chapters, and without him, the Collins would still be starting mid legacy, like an awkward teenager telling only half a long winded joke at a party, just to get to the punchline and no one laughs.  Just sipping from their solo cup and staring.  Judging.  Isolating.

He saved my chapters over a year ago, and my lazy bum ass took this long to getting around to doing this.  I don’t know what I was waiting for.  I guess I thought I could finish the legacy quicker than this and then add the head of it to the end of it all.  Well I’m just going to go ahead and add the lost chapters to fill this void in the hiatus.

So that being said, look forward to the start of the legacy being posted soon, and happy simming!

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Filed under Generation 1

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