The Slobacy Chapter 4.3: A Super Electric Adventure!

“Oh, Mr. Therapist… Linda is driving me insane!  Since I reminded her that she hasn’t done anything towards her goal of revenge, she’s been working me non-stop!  I just wanna watch tv again!  Should I even still following her in this ridiculous quest to destroy a simself?” ~Brittany

“I’ll be honest.  I’m just here to brainwash you into a chicken then snap you out of it and that’s supposed to completely fix your mental state somehow.” ~Therapist

“You are right!  Thanks Therapist!  I shall continue to blindly follow my friend and obey her every order!” ~Brittany

Hi, welcome back!  I haven’t updated in a while now, and if you are here from following me on boolprop,  you might have noticed I’ve been working a lot on my sims 3 legacy instead.  Just so you won’t worry, I haven’t abandoned my Slobacy.  As a matter of fact, I’m several generations ahead of this!  I’m just too lazy to update.  Haha, sorry.  But let’s continue with Brittany’s and Linda’s conquest to get revenge on me.

“Sorry about my mental breakdown just now.  It’s just I can’t function without a tv playing in the background.” ~Brittany

“Forget tv, Brittany.  We are now focused and determined to destroy Sabrina now that we have the start of our powerful and evil army!” ~Linda

“Oh NO!  WALL!  WADDUIDO?!” ~Tara

“Is she even capable of even using a phone?!  Why is she over there ‘calling’ your army by herself in the first place?!” ~Brittany

“Well, that’s the thing.  Sabrina thought that it was a good idea to let Tara know everyone in the neighborhood, including the dead.  Little does she know, but Sabrina’s ‘good idea’ is about to backfire!” ~Linda

Yeah.  Because Linda’s new army looks promising, let me tell you.

Anyway, over at the Collins house, Generation five are going through their childhood.

I would like to point out real fast though.  Last chapter I told everyone that Anna Nicole is the first born and Scarlet is the second born.  I lied.  This one is Anna Nicole.  I don’t know how I got them mixed up.

“WAAH!  Scary robot hurt wif sparks!” ~Anna Nicole

What’s the problem NOW?  The generation before you didn’t have a problem playing with a broken fire hazard of a toy, why are you?!  Now that I think about it though, did Gina, Gino and Charlotte even play with the robot?

“What are you complaining about Anna, there is nothing wrong with this thing, it’s what it’s supposed to do!” ~Scarlet


“WHOA.  Those sparks burn on my face.  Maybe this thing isn’t supposed to have a fireball mode after all.” ~Scarlet

Meanwhile, Uncle Barnabas isn’t dead yet.  Not that he isn’t still trying.

“Oh Anna Nicole!  Is the dog not playing right with you?  Well, it’s ok, I’m here to love and snuggle-” ~Barnabas

GET BACK IN YOUR COFFIN, don’t MAKE me lock you in your bedroom!

Roulette is still alive, and as usual, spends an abnormal amount of time asleep.  Zion, Gina’s husband, can’t find a job and I pretty much ignore him now that his genetics have been used.

I put room dividers around the crib and piano to avoid last generations disaster.  Thanks to who tipped me on that, it was a lifesaver.

“Mmm, smell that dad?  That’s the smell of my success!” ~Gina

“No, it still smells like last night’s dinner.  Jeez, Gina, take that to the bathroom!” ~Andrew

Gina completed her LTW and is now a Hand of Poseidon.

“Of COURSE I’m the Hand of Poseidon now.  I don’t even know why I just don’t replace Poseidon as it is, I’m obviously the woman for his position.” ~Gina

“Congraduations on painting this tiger all on your own, Scarlet!  Uncle Barnabas is proud of you!  Let’s dance!” ~Barnabas

“Um, shouldn’t you be asleep right now, Uncle Barnabas?” ~Scarlet

Sometimes I think about giving up.

“What’s the matter, my dear Nerissa?” ~Barnabas

“It’s the fact that you keep inviting me over for your family’s parties, while I’m still forced to live with your relatives in a cramped apartment while I wait for you!  This is CRAP!  Why haven’t you moved in with me and married me yet?!” ~Nerissa

In my opinion, Anna Nicole had the best toddler years of this legacy yet.  That should go without saying.

“Woo!  Anna Nicole!  Don’t let me down, I’m putting a lot of hope into you girl!” ~Sabrina

The birthday party was great!  No one made faces when Anna grew up, people were pleased, then stuff started to happen.

“What’s that sentrybot doing over there thinking about Kolby?  That robot BETTER not think about shocking my grandson!” ~Sabrina

Little did I know…




“Hmm, what’s this on the wall?  Blue?  I like blue.” ~Gino


Meanwhile, Scarlet was getting better acquainted with her little sister.

Oops, scratch that, no she wasn’t.

“How DARE you get in my way when my aspiration bar is in the red!  Who do you think you are, a little princess?!  Stop wanting to sleep with mommy and daddy, I’M sleeping here, not YOU!” ~Scarlet

“Wh-what?  Sis!  Why are you doing this, I thought we liked each other!” ~Anna Nicole

And so the once happy party quickly went to crap.

But Zion did finally find his job.  That’s good news.  Despite him already being halfway done with his adult stage.

And there’s me in the background, finally gotten away from the sentrybot and running home to cry to my dog or something about how stupidly this legacy is still treating me D:<

“What do you see out the window, girl?” ~Roulette

“Nothing except Barnabas wondering around the yard in the sun.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  So if you don’t mind, I would like to jump down and eat now.

… I’m serious lady, MOVE.” ~Papaya

Andrew did already complete his gamer LTW, but his second LTW, to become a professional party guest, was too easy to over look, so I let him complete that one too!

“My third LTW is to go on 50 dates!” ~Andrew

Yeah, Andrew’s done with LTWs.

“The yard is too big for my liking.  I know, Papaya!  Let’s go play fetch out in traffic!  That sounds like super fun!” ~Andrew

“Geez, I see how you really feel about me now.” ~Papaya


No, just kidding, but that would suck.

“Look house!  I made all good grades!  Now please, eat my homework.” ~Scarlet

“Oh Scarlet, you don’t have to feed your schoolwork to a support beam, I’m here to congradulate you on a job well done on your grades!” ~Barnabas

No you aren’t.  You are going straight back to your coffin, young man!

I forgot who rolled the want for the girls to go to a private school, probably Barnabas or something because of his obsession on making the girls happy and whatnot.

“What can I do to help you be convinced that my girls are right for your school?” ~Andrew

“I don’t know.  What do YOU… have to offer…?” ~Pervy Headmaster

“Um… not that.” ~Andrew

“And this is our party and bar room where we hold several parties, mostly birthdays for the children, and then this is also where we come to drink when said children finally go to bed at night.” ~Gina

“Yeah yeah yeah, the bar is good and all, SHOW ME THE GOODS!” ~Pervy Headmaster

“I think NOT.” ~Gina

Despite Gina’s and Andrew’s reluctance to put out for the headmaster, the girl’s still managed to get into the school.

“Oh Uncle Barnabas!  Thanks for helping me with my insidious boredom!  I like it when you dance with me!  This is fun!” ~Anna Nicole

“What?!  Oh hell no, now she’s dancing with Uncle Barnabas!  Only I get to dance with Uncle, I’M his favorite!” ~Scarlet

“Get away from my uncle you pointy eared freak!  Uncle Barnabas is my uncle!” ~Scarlet

“Why are you so mean to me sis?!  He’s my uncle too, you have to learn to share!” ~Anna Nicole

“Come on girls, don’t fight over me!  I know I’m fun and awesome and all, but you don’t need to be fighting!” ~Barnabas

“There, now you sit on that couch until I tell you your time out is up and you think about how you are treating your sister!” ~Andrew

“Oh come on Grandpa!  This isn’t fair!  I didn’t even ask for a baby sister!” ~Scarlet

“Thanks for getting her off my case grandpa!” ~Anna Nicole

“Anytime sweetie! Let’s dance!” ~Andrew

“I hate my family.” ~Scarlet

“Hey Barnabas!  Where’s your Charlotte and your sisters?” ~Dawson

“I wouldn’t know, I’ve been trapt in the door for two hours.” ~Barnabas

Dawson is here.  That means there’s a birthday party.

“Sigh.  Again?” ~Andrew

YES, AGAIN, Andrew.  Birthdays are the staples to a legacy, for each one we see is one less day I still have this legacy.  Dispite the fact that I really hate parties now anyway.

“It’s Scarlet’s birthday, so no more childhood squabbling with her sister.  Hopefully they will patch up before Anna grows up too, here’s hoping.

“Mmm, Karl looks finer than I remember him being from my childhood!  Hey, Karl!  Nice legs!” ~Gina

Seriously, what do these women see in this guy?!

Scarlet grew up well, I think she rolled romance and her LTW was, I don’t remember, I have re-rolled her long before I typed this.

The first thing she does is fart on the dining room table.

Make your lineage proud.

“Oh yeah, and by the way, I have the flu you guys.” ~Ganondorf

“Then why did you even COME?!” ~Roulette

I think she rolled a want to play a video game.  Don’t remember.  I know there was a reason that I made her work on the broken computer, I just can’t recall.  But after Scarlet was done with the cake and the farting, she went to fix the computer.  Two seconds later, she was instantly fried.


My, that looks painful.

“Oh, my shoes seem to have spontainiously combusted!” ~Scarlet

“Then GET UP!  GET AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER!  Don’t let the flames SPREAD!” ~Andrew

“Hello, 911?  Yes, send help!  There is a fire in our doorway!  Save us!” ~Gina

Meanwhile, on the landline:

“Hello?  Who’s this?  Why sure, I have time for a five minute survey!” ~Zion

“So, what’s going on here?” ~Mitch

“Well, NOTHING now!  My dad took care of it because you took too fricking long!” ~Gina

“OMG Grampa, that was so embarassing!” ~Scarlet

“*FART* Not as embarassing as that, hee hee hee!” ~Andrew

“That party sucked.” ~Jennifer

“Yeah, tell me about it.” ~Sabrina

“Fool me once computer, shame on you.  Fool me twice… well now I’m just in the mood to make out with someone now.” ~Scarlet

“I like friends, friends friends frien- what’s the sentrybot doing in the house?” ~Roulette

Beats me.  It’s stationed outside next to the road.  Why it made a track to go through the house is beyond me.

“Hehehe, that gardener is hot, I’d like to prune her!” ~Taron

Oh come on now Taron, you are married!


“Doesn’t matter now does it robot, I already stole the paper!” ~Taron


“Ow!  STOP!  That really hurts!” ~Taron

New glitch time!  I don’t remember when this started or where this came from, but one day out of the blue, this green spot on the pool came out of no where.  I couldn’t delete it either.  Getting rid of the pool didn’t make it go away, and deleting the patio only created an endless hole in the ground that couldn’t be fixed.

So until some miracle cure is introduced to me, I threw something over it to cover it up.  Not the best cover, but for now, it’s out of sight, out of mind.

Meanwhile, Scarlet’s aspiration was starting to drop, and it was time to introduce her to the family matchmaker.

“This young man is Manuel!  He will do anything you ask him too!  He’s a mindless drone of mine!” ~Steffi

“Um, thanks?” ~Scarlet

“No, thank YOU.  Come again to Steffi’s Love Boys soon now, you hear?”

Manuel might as well have been a mindless drone, he objected to none of Scarlet’s advances, and soon she had her first kiss.

“Nope, not paying any attention to my sister, just skilling over here like a good girl watching Sabrina shower, nope, ignoring all of that boy’s skanky advances towards my sister.” ~Anna Nicole


“Oh silly Manuel, that is not how you get to second base.” ~Scarlet

“Are you sure?  I could have sworn that this was the way to get off a girl’s bra!” ~Manuel

“How about a nice little motorboat then?!” ~Manuel

“What?  I thought you said your family had a yacht!” ~Scarlet

“UM, not what I ment.” ~Manuel

Across the yard, since Andrew has had nothing to do since his last LTW, he’s found happiness in gardening.

“I like gardening too!  Growing plants is much more fun than pruning them.” ~Calista

“You are just trying to get out of trimming the bushes!” ~Andrew

“Trimming is hard!” ~Calista


Once again, the computer broke (I think it’s about time to replace it).  Scarlet once again tried to fix it before I remembered that Roulette wasn’t doing anything and could do it herself with her many mechanical points.  The second I went to click cancel for Scarlet, this happens.

“Ow, that hurts too much.  Why do I keep trying to fix this thing?” ~Scarlet

“Oh well.  What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” ~Scarlet

“Hey, does any one else smell the smell of burning flesh anywhere?” ~Roulette

“Hmm, nope.” ~Gina

“There is nothing like the company of good friends, isn’t there Zion?” ~Roulette

“There isn’t, Roulette!  Friendship is the number one priority in life!” ~Zion

“Oh dear sweet Wright, are you ok dear?!” ~Gina


“Great.  Why is the Sentrybot going off this time?!” ~Gina

“I wasn’t trying to do anything this time, I swear!  I only came to deliver flowers from a great date with Scarlet!” ~Manuel



While Manuel was banned from the lot from an over excited Sentrybot and Scarlet’s love for him never blossomed fully after that, another love was born that day.  Roulette and Andrew finally realized that there was something between them after all, after watching their granddaughter burn to a roasted electricuted crisp… together.

And we shall end this chapter on that.  However, before we leave the Collin’s house, let’s go check on how the growing army of the S.L.O.B.’s is coming along.

Yep, just as I thought.

“Your army looks… um… amazing Linda!  Who knew that there was enough slob women in the afterlife to make a small assault team!” ~Brittany

“Thanks Brittany.  This was the best idea I have had my entire life.  I should be more evil more often!” ~Lina

“Did you hear about that viking Nery?  He’s really hot now with that eyepatch.” ~Unknown slob chick, let’s call her Jane for now.

“Enough talk of who’s hot now girls.  I have called you back from the underworld for a reason!” ~Linda

“Yeah Linda.  What was so important that you had to bring us back from the dead like this?” ~Brooke

“Well, first off, I want you to do something for me.  Something that will avenge all of your deaths and get revenge and closure for all of us.” ~Linda

So that’s it really.  The S.L.O.B. has their army and I’m still not too worried.  In the next chapter:  How will Anna Nicole grow up?  Will Barnabas stay in his frigging coffin?!  And what about Roulette’s and Andrew’s long lost relationship?  Find out next time!

“Hello?  Whitney?  How did you get this number?” ~Marion

“Yeah, we are best friends ever!  We should get together sometime!  You have my address now?  Great, ttyl bff!” ~Marion

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